TwitterMoms @ EmanatePR

The New York 'Nation got a special visit from the TwitterMoms teamMegan, Jim, Sally and Bridget.  Check out this article from Brandweek about their innovative offering, the TwitterMoms Seal of Approval.  It's like the Good Housekeeping Seal for the social media age!

Things We Loved This Week

Emanate was abuzz with love as the New York office continued to welcome our new hires as well as some visitors from across the country and the pond. There was even a little intercontinental gift exchange between the New York ‘Nation and our new colleagues in Munich. How sweet!

Speaking of presents, earlier this week Mark Zuckerberg donated $100 million of his Facebook fortune to Newark, NJ public schools. Some are critical of the move, calling it a PR stunt conveniently timed with the release of The Social Network, which could potentially paint the “billionaire, punk, genius” in an unflattering light. We tend to agree with Mashable, however, that “the gesture should be taken at face value.”

Our hearts were all atwitter over this PR move: the man behind @BPGlobalPR has finally revealed himself. In an interview with The Awl, Josh Simpson unveiled both his identity and some of the strategy behind the parody.

We were enamored with this brilliant idea from the world of digital marketing: CAPTCHAs as advertising.

We love Vitrue, an Atlanta-based social media company, for helping us get smarter about leveraging the power of Facebook for our clients. Its suggestions? Post brand updates early in the day and late in the week, use more images and photos than videos and text to engage consumers, and offer up coupons—they work!

Finally, there was plenty of birthday love in the air this week as both our Global CEO, Kim Sample, and the world’s oldest man, Walter Breuning, toasted to another fantastic year. While celebrating his 114th in Montanta, Breuning said to his friends and family, “In this good world, let us be kind to one another.” How’s that for love?

Do something kind this weekend!

Jade Faugno

Coffee Cake To Start The Week

Happy Monday Everyone!

Things We Loved This Week

We love Mashable and their article on the Future of Journalism got our brains whirring.

We thought Hasbro was pretty smart in the way they are using Youtube to pump life back into good old Trivial Pursuit.

As a mix of public service and gutsy PR, KFC is emblazoning Fiery Gilled Wings ads over fire hydrants in Buffalo in return for a $2500 grant. Hot idea (pun-intended) but wonder what the local dogs will think.

We love football but we also love chocolate. We thought Dove chocolate nailed it with their chocolate football party in Times Square.

We take our hats off to Dentsu London for the way they are bringing their brand proposition to life: Inventing Future Magic. This video is amazing.

We loved this eye-popping iPhone app by tryvertising that lets you try on watches for real. 

And last but not least, one of our agency cousins, Interbrand, released their annual list of top brands. Well worth reading.

Things We Loved This week

How about this for a smart use of Twitter? Uniglo has been asking its UK customers to tweet the price down. The more tweets an item gets, the lower the price goes. Check out the counter and tweet your way to a big discount!

Because it's Fashion Week, we loved what Desigual's been up to with a clever little stunt in Spain. A few hundred folks showed up outside one of their stores in Barcelona in their underwear and then go in to help themselves. 


So einfach kann es sein eine Twitter-Promotion umzusetzen. Uniglo hat seine UK Kunden aufgerufen dein Preis „runter zutwittern“. Je mehr Tweets ein Gegenstand bekommt desto weiter geht der Preis runter. Twitter dir dein Schnäppchen!

Es ist Fashion Week in New York und dazu passend, stellen wir diese sehr witzige Idee von Desigual vor. Mehrere hundert Fashion-Begeisterte warteten halb-nackt vor den Länden in Barcelona und hüllten sich in neue coole Klamotten.

Viele Spaß

Lukas Adda (German Version) and Adam Turinas (English Version)

Farewell from our Munich Colleage

We have been lucky enough to have our new Munich colleague, Lukas Adda, Digital Guide, with us for 3 weeks in NY.  He has encapsulated his memories of the last three weeks with this photo montage, including a very cool slideshow.
Thank you Emanate New York

Adam Turinas

Things We Loved This Week

With all the excitement about Earl, it would be easy to forget that there was a whole lot other stuff happening this week.

We are in awe of Sharon Murray who has been chosen as the face of Debenhams, the UK department store chain's autumn/winter collection and features in the new window displays that went up in stores across the UK.

We loved the clever way McDonald's helped hot Torontonians cool off, as part of the Dollar Drink Days promotion.

And on the subject of major global brands using their mega-power, we loved that P&G is leveraging the power of the Tide brand and launching a national chain of dry-cleaners.  "Each unit has a double-lane drive-through, lockers for after-hours pickup, lollipops for kids and Iams biscuits for the pooch." Sign me, the dog will love it!

We were chastened by this article on things you should not reveal on Facebook. We're sure no one is doing anything like this. Just saying s'all. 

Lastly, we suggest that you end the week with a power nap before the long weekend (here in the US). Zzzzzzzzz

Adam Turinas

Things We Loved This Week

While we continued to help our Office Depot client get ready for back-to-school season this week, social networking went back to college.  GoodCrush and RandomDorm founder Josh Weinstein launched a new site exclusively for those still hitting the books.  CollegeOnly is being hailed as a safe haven for college kids who want to post photos, events and the latest campus buzz away from the prying eyes of parents and employers.  Study up on the hottest thing since Facebook on the New York Times Bits Blog, Mashable and Business Insider.

Twitter, Twitter, Facebook wall...who's the most social media savvy of them all?  None other than Lady Gaga.  The pop culture icon, who has already taken over the airwaves and is the first and only living person with over 10 million Facebook fans, posted a YouTube video this week to declare her eminence as Tween [Twitter + Queen] Gaga.

And Gaga isn't the online presence we went gaga over this week.  Check out 25 brilliant examples of Facebook pages from some of America's favorite brands.

We love visitors, so we love having Lukas Adda—an import from our Munich office—in New York for the next couple of weeks to share his wisdom about all things digital and all things deutsch.  Check out this amazing example of a German augmented reality magazine that he brought to our attention:

We also welcomed organizational development expert Daniel Pitlik to the 'Nation as he helped the New York team brush up on our presentation skills.

Have a "love"ly weekend, and thanks for indulging us and our pun-loving ways!

Jade Faugno

Social Media Strategy - US vs Europe

Very interesting article today care of PFSK regarding why Social Media campaigns fail. According to a study by Brand Science Institute, a German think tank, 81% of European companies lack a clear social media strategy. The expectations on social media are unrealistic with demands that campaign prove out an ROI in 12 months and the confusion that social media=viral.

The US is head in many respects but the situation isn't great here either. According to a study reported in Mediapost, 78% of firms are using social media but only 41% have a strategy. So better but not great.

As a digital veteran, this feels so much like the first wave of digital - the growth of online advertising. Initial excitement, lots of trial and error, followed by confusion and tons of questioning. The difference between US and Europe is a temporal one. The report from Europe feels like the discussions around social media in the US a year ago, with many experimenting in a highly questioning climate.  Out of this a few a believers emerge, e.g. Starbucks and Dell, who use social media in a disciplined way and turn it into a highly competitive weapon.

It will be interesting to see if in a year the climate around social media in Europe mirrors the current climate in the US and who will emerge as the social media champions.

Adam Turinas

Things We Loved This Week

At Emanate, we all like to think of ourselves as young at heart. It’s no surprise that we enjoyed this week’s New York Times piece, What Is It About 20-Somethings?. The story analyzes life for those coming of age in today’s complex society – how chic!

Speaking of getting to where we want to be, social networking giant Facebook just launched its new location service, Places, which allows users to “check in” wherever they are and share that info with their friends. Because Facebook is well known for its “network effect,” it is hoping to open the opportunity for wider distribution to more established location services like Foursquare, Gowalla, Loopt and Booyah. We’ll start sending status updates from the kitchen, copy room and elevators next week so you can keep tabs on us.

We loved JetBlue’s response to the dramatic exit of one of its flight attendants, an incident that has gone viral over the past couple of weeks. Harnessing the power of social media, the airline chimed in with a clever blog post invoking Office Space, the pop culture classic that brought disgruntled employees into the mainstream.

While we’re on the topic of “jetting,” the Emanators are sad we missed out on this year’s All You Can Jet Pass – it was a busy, busy week and now they’re sold out! Congrats, JetBlue. Maybe next year…

As was foreseen, the debate over regulating Internet traffic has caused quite a stir. Internet giants Google, Facebook and Verizon, as well as the FCC, have simultaneously contributed to and tried to deflect a whirlwind of conversation involving conspiracy theories, rumors and accusations on the topic of net neutrality. But as Mashable puts it, wait until the proposal is brought to Congress, because “that’s where you’ll find the real fireworks.”

Have a great weekend!

Diana Rostkowski